

Greenwave Systems


Mobile / IoT

Ability to control different IoT devices through mobile phones.


Our customer provides software for the Internet of Things and Machine-to-machine (M2M) networks. These products are now very popular and widely used, with various ways to control them.

Our goal was to enable full control of a wide range of IoT devices directly via a mobile phone.


We developed the application on the Axon platform. All the attention was paid to the necessary detailed functionality for each of the devices.

We meticulously refined every function and fully optimized various modes of some devices.

Here are the key points we focused on:

  • easy accessing to the device;
  • turning on the device if motion is detected;
  • controlling the “turn on/off” based on the user’s location;
  • monitoring of energy consumption.


We developed a multifunctional and user-friendly app for conveniently controlling IoT solutions. It allows users to monitor and manage their smart homes directly from their mobile devices.

Greenwave supports a wide range of devices including lights, thermostats, motion sensors, water sensors, smoke sensors, and more.

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Our mission is to make each product better

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